Can You Help Reduce Anxiety With CBD Oil?

Canabidiol or CBD is a phytoceutical plant extract that has shown promising results in the medical field. Cannabidiol, also known as CBD oil, is a plant derived from the hemp plant. It is just one of the dozen known natural compounds in the cannabis plant that have been found to possess therapeutic value. And, it has been found to be very effective in the treatment of childhood epilepsy.
The healing properties of CBD are attributed to its powerful anti-convulsant properties. It is also effective in reducing seizure symptoms and reducing the frequency of epileptic seizures. Recent clinical trials have indicated that the efficacy of 600mg CBD oil for the treatment of epileptic seizures has reached new levels. CBD oil uses hemp-derived CBD rather than the synthetic CBD that is often included in pharmaceuticals.
Despite its many health benefits, CBD is still a Schedule II substance - which means that it has serious potential for abuse and dependence. And, despite the significant health benefits that 1200mg CBD oil presents, it has been associated with a wide range of negative side effects in both animals and humans. Some of the side effects that have been observed include: difficulty sleeping, weight gain, depression, mood instability, anxiety, short term memory loss, decreased libido, and nausea. It has also been found to be ineffective in treating intractable epilepsy. While all of these negative effects have been observed in controlled clinical trials and in human beings, there are still some unanswered questions about CBD.
One of the biggest concerns of humans and animals is the possibility of using CBD oil to become addicted to it. While the only animal studies that have attempted to look at this issue came up with mixed results, there is enough anecdotal evidence out there to indicate that it may be a possible risk when using CBD for anxiety and other disorders. But the most important question is whether or not CBD affects the brain chemistry in the way that drugs do. Most people who use CBD oil for anxiety end up being quite normal once their treatment is stopped.
But there are some major short and long term health benefits as well. The most encouraging thing researchers have discovered is that the health benefits of CBD may be extended to chronic pain management. Using CBD oil to treat chronic pain could be incredibly helpful in managing all types of chronic pain, from sports injuries to arthritis pain, or even pain caused by diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
For more information on CBD oil, including the benefits of using it for anxiety and other disorders, you can talk to your doctor.
This post elaborate more on the topic, so you may need to check it out.
This post elaborate more on the topic, so you may need to check it out.